Witness: Artists by Nature

The final event in the series, Witness: Artists by Nature, will offer an artistic experience that examines space, nature, and time. Invitees will explore a historic Houston park through an artistic lens by creating Plein air paintings and learning how local African American artists have used nature imagery and symbolism in their creative process. Participants will join Houston Audubon on a bird walk for artistic inspiration. Our lives are intimately connected with the lives of birds and they have long inspired artists around the world through spiritual symbolism and scientific inquiry. From their birdsongs to their migration patterns, birds teach us the rhythms of life on earth and give us opportunities to foster a meaningful connection with the natural world.

Location: ER & Ann Taylor Park —1850 Reed Rd., Houston, TX 77051

Time: 9am to 11:30am


The Witness Series was created by Jaime Gonzalez, a Houston-based conservationist, environmental educator and biologist, and Kristi Rangel, Houston-based Multi-disciplinary artist and Education Advocate.  The experiences are in collaboration with Houston Audubon, Houston Botanic Garden, Houston Coalition Against Hate, Houston Health Department, Houston Parks and Recreation Department, National Wildlife Refuge System, Nature Heritage Society and The Nature Conversancy Texas. For more information about the series CONTACT US .


Witness: Seeds of Hope Planting