
Kristi Rangel is a Houston based self-taught multi-disciplinary artist, who was born in Austin, Texas.  Kristi brings to her artistic practice, the passion and dedication to community honed by her many years as an outstanding educational, public health and city government leader.  Starting her artistic phase later in life means she brings some interesting insights to her work and a different perspective.   

Kristi is the Houston Coalition Against Hate’s (HCAH) 2021 Emerging Artist.  Her series, “Seven”, will be exhibited in the galleries of several HCAH members.  This series focuses on the themes of race, gender, equity and environmental justice.  Kristi is currently in the planning phase of several public art pieces that will be done in partnership with the community.  She is also, completing several paid private commissions, while pursuing opportunities to exhibit her work and creating new works for her next series.

Email: kris.rangel.kr@gmail.com
Instagram: @kristi_the_artist_rangel